A contestable works program exists under the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995. This provides electricity customers in NSW with the right to choose suitably qualified and accredited persons to connect their premises to the Network Operator’s distribution network, arrange for the supply of more electricity from the distribution network than they are currently consuming, or to extend the distribution network to reach their premises.

To ensure that the electrical distribution network and connection to the distribution network remains reliable and safe, only Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) operating under the ASP scheme administered by NSW Trade & Investment, may perform this work.

Employees and sub-contractors of ASPs must be suitably qualified and registered with the ASP scheme before seeking authorisation from the local Network Operator to work on or near the electricity network.


The ASP Scheme accredits different types (levels) of work.


allows for both overhead and underground construction work on distribution networks which are located adjacent to roadway. Level 1 service providers may be accredited for the following work categories:

  • overhead lines
  • underground lines.


allows for construction of service lines between the distribution system and the point of connection to the premises and for the installation and energisation of metering services. Level 2 service providers may be accredited for the following work categories:

  • disconnection and reconnection
  • underground service lines
  • overhead service lines
  • metering and energising new installations
  • installing contestable market metering


allows for the design of distribution networks. Service providers may be accredited for the following work categories:

  • overhead lines
  • underground lines.

level 2 qualifications

The services that can be undertaken by a Level 2 ASP are as follows (but not limited to):

Class 2A
(previously known as Category 1) – Disconnect and reconnect.

  • Disconnection and reconnection of service lines at the connection point – but only work at the connection point that does not involve accessing network operator assets and no mechanical changes to network assets are required.

Class 2B
(previously known as Category 2) – Work on underground service conductors. For example:

  • remove and replace a local electricity distributor security seal in accordance with local electricity distributor procedures;
  • installation and connection of underground service lines in accordance with the NSW Service & Installation Rules;
  • relocate/upgrade an existing underground service line and restore supply on completion;
  • disconnection and reconnection of underground service lines at the point of common coupling and the connection point; and
  • replacement of service protection device and meter protection device fuse(s), service active and neutral links

Class 2C
(previously known as Category 3) – Work on overhead service conductors. For example:

  • remove and replace a local electricity distributor security seal in accordance with local electricity distributor procedures;
  • installation and connection of overhead service lines in accordance with the Service & Installation Rules of NSW;
  • relocate/upgrade an existing overhead service line and restore supply on completion;
  • disconnection and reconnection of overhead service lines at the point of common coupling and the connection point; and
  • replacement of service protection device and meter protection device fuse(s), service active and neutral links.

Class 2D
(previously known as Category 4) – Installing metering for meter types 5 to 6 and other Network Operator service equipment:

  • remove and replace a local electricity distributor security seal in accordance with local electricity distributor procedures;
  • installation and removal of whole current metering equipment in accordance with the local distributor’s published standards; and
  • disconnection and reconnection of the installation at the connection point; and
  • energising new installations.

An ASP may only remove or install meters of types 1 to 4 if the ASP is also accredited as a meter provider with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) or the ASP is undertaking this work as a sub-contractor to another company which is properly accredited by AEMO for this purpose.

Class 2X
Non-electrically qualified. This class allows non-electrically qualified personnel to be registered with the ASP Scheme in accordance with the Scheme Rules. It also allows application to be made to a distributor for authorisations not covered in the Scheme Rules, where the requirements for those authorisations are set by the Distributors. Examples of specific authorisations that may be required by a distributor include:

  • electrical trade related works performed by electrical trades apprentices covered by a training contract that may be required to work on or near the network under direct and constant supervision of an appropriately authorised person,
  • work performed by persons engaged by a telecommunications network operator on telecommunications assets attached to electricity network operator assets,
  • trades assistant work such as safety observer, rescue assistant and plant operator.

Level 2 Training and Assessment requirements

Level 2 ASP Qualification and training requirements
Classes of Contestable Services
(type of work)
ASP Scheme Qualification Criterion for Level 2 ASPs
Training organisations must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment.
Core Qualifications (refer Note 1) Additional Mandatory Competency Units (refer Note 2)
Class 2A _
Disconnect and
reconnect at
connection point
Meet requirements for class 2B or 2C
Curently registered for Disconnect / reconnect
(former Level 2 Category 1)
UETTDREL16 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus
UETTDRRF11 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks
Class 2B _
Underground Services
(previous Category 2)
UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electro-technology
Electrician (or equivalent)
UET30812 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems -
Distribution Cable Jointing
UETTDRIS55 - Install and maintain low voltage underground services
UETTDRRF11 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks,
Class 2C _
Overhead Services
(previous Category 3)
UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology
Electrician (or equivalent)
UET30612 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems -
Distribution Overehad
UETTDRIS56 - Install and maintain low voltage overhead services
UETTDRRF11 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks,
Class 2D _
Metering & Energisind
Installations - including
disconnect and reconnect
(previous Category 4)
UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electro-technology
Electrician (or equivalent)
UETTDREL16 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus
AND UEENEEK142A - Apply enviromentally and suistainable energy procedures in the energy sector
AND either
  1. UETTDRIS60 - Install and replace power system meters and associated equipment, or,
  2. UEENEEG171A - install, setup and commission interval metering
UETTDRRF11 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks
Note 1:
Upon verification; those holidng an equivalent qualification to
  • UET30612 and/or UET30812 documented in the UET12 Training Package and all corresponding units of competency that proceed back to and are inclusive of UTT30101 and/or UTT30301 documented in the UTT98 Training Package will also meet the qualification requirements noted in this Level 2 table; or
  • UEE30811 documented in the UEE11 Training Package and all corresponding units of competency that proceed back to and are inclusive of UTE31199 documented in the UTE99 Training Package will also meet the qualification requirements noted in this Level 2 table.
Note 2:
Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) must ensure that any/all prerequisite units of competency (as specified within each of the relevant competency standards) have been achieved prior to awarding any of the units of competency specified within "Additional Mandatory Competency Units" column of Level 2 table.
Details are to be submitted in the qualifications section of the Level 2 ASP Application Form

Transitional arrangements

(a) All existing Level 2 ASPs and personnel registered before December 31st 2015 will continue to have their training recognised as before and to hold the relevant categories of registration.
(b) From December 31st 2015, any evidence of training which complies with the table above will be accepted as part of an application for registration.
(c) Until 31 December 2015, the scheme administrator will accept training certificates issued under the previous method used to train Level 2 ASPs as part of an application for registration. This will allow RTOs to transition to the new training requirements and allow individuals to complete their training and submit an application in a timely manner.
(d) From 1 January 2016, only training which complies with Appendix B will be accepted as part of an application for registration unless an individual has been registered previously as per (a) above.


Install and maintain low voltage underground services

Unit Descriptor: This Competency Standard Unit covers the installation, maintenance and connection of low voltage underground service lines and associated equipment (between the connection point and the point of supply - customers’ premises). Maintenance includes the repair and replacement of service cables, service fuses and the replacement and repair of service hardware, the identification and rectification of faults. It also covers insulation, voltage, polarity testing and phase rotation.

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this Unit of Competency, you should be able to:
1. Prepare for the installation and maintenance of LV underground services and associated equipment
2. Carry out installation and maintenance of LV underground services and associated equipment
3. Complete the installation and maintenance of LV underground services and associated equipment.

Prerequisite Unit(s) Competencies: Granting of competency in this unit shall be made only after competencies in the Common Unit Group have been completed plus all the competencies in one (1) of the identified Pathway Unit Group(s): Transmission Overhead, Distribution Overhead, Rail Traction, Distribution Cable Jointing, Electrotechnology Electrician (Refer to Pathway over).

Scheduling: The delivery duration is approximately 2 days or as required.


Install and maintain low voltage overhead services

This Competency Standard Unit covers the installation, maintenance and connection of low voltage overhead service lines and associated equipment (between the connection point and the point of supply - customers’ premises). Maintenance includes the repair and replacement of service cables, service fuses and the replacement and repair of service hardware, the identification and rectification of faults. It also covers insulation, voltage, polarity testing and phase rotation.

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this Unit of Competency, you should be able to:
1. Prepare for the installation and maintenance of LV overhead services and associated equipment
2. Carry out installation and maintenance of LV overhead services and associated equipment
3. Complete the installation and maintenance of LV overhead services and associated equipment

Prerequisite Unit(s) Competencies: Granting of competency in this unit shall be made only after competency in the following unit(s) has/have been confirmed. Where pre-requisite pathways have been identified. All competencies in the Common Unit Group must be have been completed plus all the competencies in one (1) of the identified Pathway Unit Group(s): Transmission Overhead, Distribution Overhead, Rail Traction, Distribution Cable Jointing, Electrotechnology Electrician.

Scheduling: The delivery duration is approximately 4 days or as required.


Install and replace power system energy meters and associated equipment

This Competency Standard Unit covers the installation and replacement of whole current energy meters and associated equipment, where replacement may include the identification of faults in accordance with established procedures and return to service. It includes the requirements to ascertain if normal functions of the meters and associated equipment are in accordance with established procedures.

Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this Unit of Competency, you should be able to:
1. Prepare for the installation and replacement of energy meters and associated equipment
2. Carry out the installation and replacement of energy meters and associated equipment
3. Complete the installation and replacement of energy meters and associated equipment

Prerequisite Unit(s) Competencies: Granting of competency in this unit shall be made only after competency in the following unit(s) has/have been confirmed. Where pre-requisite pathways have been identified. All competencies in the Common Unit Group must be have been completed plus all the competencies in one (1) of the identified Pathway Unit Group(s): Distribution Overhead, Distribution Cable Jointing, Electrotechnology Electrician.

Scheduling: The duration of this unit of competency is approximately 4 days or as required.

Electrotechnology (Electrician’s pathway) Recognition

RTOs are obligated to recognise training and assessing that you have already undertaken, so you don’t need to undertake it again.
* UEENEEG105A Extract states that ‘Those holding an ‘Unrestricted Electrician’s Licence’ or equivalent issued in an Australian State or Territory meet the requirements of this unit and its pre-requisite requirements. A ‘licensed electrician’ applying for an ‘electrical contractors licence’ may be required to undertake this unit to demonstrate their currency with verification of compliance requirements. In this case they are deemed to have met the pre-requisites for this unit provided that they hold a current ‘electricians licence’ or its equivalent issued in an Australian State of Territory and have recently been in permanent employment as a licensed electrician sufficient to evidence current knowledge of applicable standards and regulations’.
Note: Electrician’s must still be subject to the recognition process for this to occur.

  Electrotechnology Electrician Pathway Group
Unit Code Unit Title
UEENEEE137A Document and apply measures to control OHS risks associated with electrotechnology work
UEENEEG006A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage machines
UEENEEG033A Solve problems in single and three phase electrical apparatur and circuits
UEENEEG063A Arrange circuits, control and protection for general electrical installations
UEENEEG106A Terminate cables, cords and accessories for low voltage circuits
UEENEEG108A Trouble-shoot and repair faults in low voltage electrical apparatus and circuits
UEENEEG109A Develop and connect electrical control circuits
UEENEEK142A Apply enviromentally and sustainable energy procedures in the energy sector
UETTDRIS67 Solve problems in energy supply network equipment
  Common Unit Group
Unit Code Unit Title
UEENEEE101A Apply Ocupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
UEENEEE102A Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry cmponents
UEENEEE104A Solve problems in d.c. Circuits
UEENEEE105A Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment
UEENEEE107A Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications
UEENEEG101A Solve problems in electromagnetic devices and related circuits
UEENEEG102A Solve problems in low voltage a.c. Circuits
UETTDREL16 Working safely near live electrical apparatus

To become accredited an applicant must apply in writing, using the
approved application form along with:
1. the completed application form;
2. evidence of the required competencies;
3. the completed form for the registration of persons who will be
seeking to be authorised by the electricity distributor/s to undertake
contestable services;
4. evidence of meeting the insurance requirements; and
5. the application fee Click here for details Department of Planing and Environment
02 82751960
ASP Scheme PO Box 435 | Parramatta | NSW 2124

Following registration, an ASP must seek to have those personnel
authorised by the local electricity distributor. Only personnel who are
currently registered with the Scheme can be authorised.

The local electricity distributor is responsible for determining who is
authorised to work on or near the distribution network. The electricity
distributor/s will require registered personnel to undertake training in
relevant safety and operating procedures and be familiar with and show
they can comply with their respective safety management systems,
electrical safety rules and other relevant policies.

The 3 NSW Local Electricity Distributors are detailed below:

Statutory Training also required

Everybody who works on or near the Electricity Supply Network must be deemed competent in the tasks they are to perform; and trained and assessed yearly in the appropriate escape, release and rescue procedures for those tasks.

ASP Annual Refresher Training

Level 2 ASPs Civil

* for cable jointing work from an EWP no poles > 2m above ground level and from EWPs

+ for live cable jointing work in a trench enviroment

Unit of Competency Class 2D Class 2B Class 2C Class 2X
Provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Perform pole top rescue
Perform EWP rescue
Perform rescue from a live LV panel
Perform EWP controlled descent escape
Provide first aid in an ESI enviroment
Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks or

Important: Statutory Training is not included in the specific Category Accreditation training and must be undertaken separately.
This is due to the fact, that many students will have already undertaken these studies especially if they are current ASPs upgrading their accreditations; each students will have different requirements associated with their accreditation; finally and perhaps more importantly, the ASP initial training and assessment study schedule is intensive and time restrictions and workloads simply would not allow for this training to happen in the time frames allocated.


Unit 1 / 39-41 Fourth Ave Blacktown NSW 2148

Lot 8 / 13 Hartley Drive Thornton NSW 2322 (Near Newcastle)


to 15:30
every day.

Note: THese times are
subjected to vary.

please note:
Classes start


No Student
No Exception.


Class Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Metering Blacktown Blacktown
Overhead Blacktown Thornton Thornton
Underground Blacktown Thornton
Pre-requisites Practicals Thornton
Rescues Blacktown Thornton
Essential ESR Thornton Blacktown

UETTDRIS60 Install and replace power system energy meters and associated equipment [Metering(Category IV / 2D)]
UETTDRIS56 Install and maintain low voltage overhead services [Overhead (Category III / 2C)]
UETTDRIS55 Install and maintain low voltage underground services [Underground (Category II / 2B)]

Monday and Tuesday = Blacktown
Wednesday and Thursday = Thornton


Disconnect and reconnect at a connection point (Category I / 2A) must meet requirements for class 2B or 2C.

Please note:
If completing 2C with another category you’ll be required to attend 4 days face to face training. Not 5.
All online training overlaps each category.

If you commit to complete all 3 categories, you will receive a $300 discount and FREE ESI rescue training (Valued at $425).
If you complete 2 of the categories you will receive FREE ESI rescue training (Valued at $425).

Please note that prices are subject to change.

Save $300




The Units above are those which typically are outstanding (not already achieved
under UEENEEG105A recognition), from both the common and
Electrotechnology Electrical pathways.

APPLY to study Student Guide

Details required to enroll

Company Student Training
Name First name Course date / Venue
Postal address Last name
Phone Address
Email Contact number
Email address
Unique Student Identification
number (USI)
Date of Birth
Copy of electrical license or
any relevant qualifications

THE next step

Apply to study

For further assistance, feel free to talk to one of our friendly staff on
1300 887 317 or email

Version 3, February 2020

Guide to register as an ASP 2a – 2c

For all enquiries, please contact the ASP Scheme on (02) 8275 1960 or email 

Step 1.

You need to fill out the Level 2 application form for accreditation
with the NSW Department of Planning & Environment, or

Click here for application form

Provide a list of all your employees/subcontractors that will be working with you as a level 2 ASP (see table inside document).
Provide evidence of Public and Products Liability insurance (minimum cover of $10M).
Ensure “Electricity Distributors of NSW” are noted as interested parties on the Public and Products Liability insurance policy.

Step 2.

Please note this can be completed at ANY TIME.
Please contact your Electrical Supply Distribution Network (ESDN) you plan to work for Ausgrid / Endeavour Energy / Essential Energy.
As you’ll need to complete their Initial Electrical Safety rules. Please note each ESDN have a different process with this. Please contact them regarding this process.

Ausgrid: 8745 1561 or 4951 0853 Email:
Endeavour Energy: 98536946 or 98535043 Email:
Essential Energy: 6643 7850 Email:

Step 3.

Complete your application / induction with your ESDN. This process will vary between each ESDN

Step 4.

Once you’ve obtained your ASP accreditation number and your authorisation card from your ESDN you can start to perform level 2 ASP work

Guide to register as an ASP 2d ONLY

Please contact IAC Safety Services